DAC as a preamp?

I need a new DAC. I use my computer for volume control, but do not trust it. I want separate volume control. The 90s me would have immediately thought preamp. But since I need a new DAC, my question stands ... DAC as a preamp?
I've posted more info about my system below.
I need some advice on the best way to go about getting volume control for these powerful asp1000 amplifiers. I've read about the high input impedance. I use a computer for my source playing Flac, wav or hi-res audio files. I'm using a very simple dongle Style USB DAC that sounds okay. I have choices, but do not know what my best bet is. For simplicity, it would seem I should just buy a better desktop DAC, such as and SMSL M500 and use the volume control knob on front. Or ANY other DAC with a volume control for that matter. I know I can use my volume control the USB. Provides through the keyboard on my computer. But with amplifiers this powerful, I figure I should have a volume control to prevent issues such as full volume noise blasts, which have happened before when the computer glitches. My second option would be to purchase a regular preamp. This would be the most expensive option, as I would want something at least as good as the Schitt Freya +, and that is $900! I would still need a decent DAC upgrade. This gets expensive with my health issues at hand. The last way I could go, is something like an all tube gain stage. I would still need a DAC, but a simple gain stage kit should only be a few hundred at most. The other two options I can think of, would be the pass B1 buffer clone kit preamp for 150 dollars, but I don't know if it would play nice with a high input impedance of the icepower amp. The most simple and cheapest route, would be be using the Sure digital volume control option. But I do not know how high fidelity that would be. I could really use some help. I've been out of this hobby for about 10 years now. I feel a bit lost and appreciate everyone who has helped so far.
You won't need a preamp unless you have analog inputs. You will not want one IME. I believe most places will have a 30 trial where you could send it back. 
I get it. The RME DAC is amazing. I've been helping my daughter with a serious legal issue, and money is very tight. This would be at the extreme reaches of my current budget. If I bought this, I would have zero money left for a preamplifier if needed. I was looking more along the lines of the smsl products under 500. And adding that to something like a pass DIY buffer amp for 150, or a simple stepped attenuator volume control. About half the budget of the RME. I never planned on spending a thousand for a DAC unless it doubled as a preamp, without hurting the sound..
+3 RME DAC. It goes directly into a Pass Labs power amp with balanced interconnects. Sounds great. Upgrading the power supply is intriguing but probably way above my pay grade. The RME has a remote so no need to leave your chair that's in the sweet spot.
+2 RME. Great on its own but upgrading the power supply steps it up considerably.
What I have gathered is it is better to have a separate DAC and preamp. In that case, a volume control or gain stage woodwork the same. So would a buffer preamp such as the pass DIY for $150. I just don't see spending over $1,000 on a preamp , just to have volume control. Considering I only need one input, any simple desktop volume control solution works. That also opens up almost Endless Options.
Second the Schiit SYS...currently use in injunction with Gustard A18 DAC and output SYS to amp...yes, one loses convenience of remote, but alternative was to offset DAC by ca. -30dB, with possible bit loss on lower vol. playback.  
For about $1100.00 the RME-ADI 2dac fs. Multiple filters, bass treble volume. Right or left, 5 band EQ. Too much to list. The nos filter put me on the rampage for an all tube system. Almost there. I would sell you mine, but I'm keeping it. Did I mention headphones and iem.? 30 days trial at Amazon.
So at that point, I tou may as well set your DAC volume to 100%, and just use the preamps volume again, lol
Nothing worse than not having a remote for volume.

The $49 Sys does not have remote control, I was saying to do it this way so you can still use the dac’s remote volume control.
Forest and trees?
Cheers George
Well then George... you may have just made another way to use the DACs volume control. BUT a person still has to buy a passive preamp for gain setting, in order to use the DAC as volume control. So at that point, I tou may as well set your DAC volume to 100%, and just use the preamps volume again, lol

Low volume listening is usually not that great with a DAC direct to amp.

Simple fix
Most likely because it was "bit stripping" (lower resolution), for digital domain volume controls in dacs to give all bits (resolution), they need to be at or over 70% in volume, if this is too loud for you, simply insert a $49 Schiit Sys passive between the dac and poweramp.

Set the Sys volume control once only with the dac at 100% so you’ve got just over the loudest you’ll ever need, then back off the dacs digital volume, so then you’ll use it as the master volume in the top 1/3 of it’s volume range.

Cheers George
OP there is no magic, just a lifetime warr. and great support. 
Their equipment is very simple and clean.
SQ is above the norm. and DEAD quiet.. 

You get your moneys worth with Decware, there is no doubt about that..
American made, start to finish.. There is a reason for the wait times..

Schitt for the money, pretty good SQ. They do run a little warm, though. They are a HEAVY little piece too. They have good customer and tech support. Everyone I deal with has good service. No shady suckers for me..

Hey YYZ... thanks for the insight on the DAC as a volume control.
And I will check out the SU9 Loomis. Thanks

Low volume listening is usually not that great with a DAC direct to amp. Though I did setup my Matrix Mini-i 3 Pro with a Benchmark AHB2 amp 2 days ago. It is played in a big room at medium volume. I am not too concerned about the best sound for this system so I used DAC direct.

A great preamp for $2500 is the Benchmark LA4. It is easy to hear how much better this preamp makes a DAC sound better. It is quieter than any other gear you will find.
Hi brockwired. I see you're a Schiit fanboy indeed! Someone recommended one of their $400 preamps. But after reading numerous comparison reviews between the Schiit preamp models, I realized I would have to have the Freya +. Because the rest all are reviewed to be a bit lean on the lower end, with the Freya+ sounding more fleshed out. After adding a new DAC, that is out of my budget range. I'd seriously be looking at the Musical Paradise MP-701 MK2 Tube Preamp. It is balanced, and uses boutique high end parts inside. I feel it's a steal at $700. I may just sell my Focal Flax drivers to aid in affording one. I'd love to see how it would compare with the Freya+
@oldhvymec ... does the insides look like $700 to you? Don't you figure that could be figured out fairly easily by someone who hand builds DIY amps and preamps here on the forum? Or is that really special magic they are doing, and can't be easily cloned? My ignorance is deep.
All of Schiit Audio's headphone amps can be used as a preamp. I own a Modi Multibit (DAC)/Vali(tube headphone amp/preamp) combo that I am using in my bedroom. It sounds fantastic. 

In my main system I am using a Schiit Jotunheim with a phono card. It gives me one phono input, one RCA input and one XLR input. It has XLR and RCA outputs. You could substitute a DAC card. I went external with a Gungnir Multibit. If you want a DAC that is the same size that would stack with the Jotunheim you would be looking at the Modius or Bifrost DACs

My living room system...the system I have had the longest...has a Saga and Modi3. I really like all of them. I also admit to being a Schiit fanboy that prefers tube amps. 

On the low end you could have a Modi 3/Magni combo for $200, a Modi 3/ Vali for $250 or a Magnius/Modius for $400. The Jotunheim is the only headphone amp/preamp that has three inputs. The $100 DAC card is a USB only Modi. The $200 Multibit DAC card is a USB only Modi Multibit. 
Decware is really nice. If you get on the list right now. If your lucky they will be pulling parts in 4-6 months. No that doesn’t mean it will be finished.

They are really SLOW, now. The first time I ordered from them 10 plus years ago. 3-4 weeks. Now 6 months.. If I wasn’t into this for 4 months and didn’t need a direct head out tape preamp. I’d be on someone else’s list. That guy needs to hire some help.. You’d think it was a Dodd special or something..

He is loosing a ton of sales, behind it.. I know a buddy just dropped 25k on new MB. Decware would have gotten the business. He got his MB in 3 weeks. I haven’t has a chance to even see them. I think it was Triangle Art. He has 2 or three of their TT, I'm looking at one of their TT myself.  That same guy has 3 Dodd units.. One of my top 5 picks of all time.

I really could be wrong, but I truly believe this is what I need most. But it is very expensive for what it is. There is a view with the top off if you scroll down the page. Does anyone know if I could pay someone from The Forum to help me design something like this gain stage with tubes?http://https//www.decware.com/newsite/zstage.html

@nsm1979... thank you for your reply. This is kind of what I've been thinking. While I have seen the Small Tube preamps under $100 on Amazon, I figured they were all real trash. You make me figure I should go ahead and try one though. What I would really love, is to be able to build and all tube gain buffer 4 less than $300.
@jjss49. I realize it has been covered, but my 500 watts at 8 ohms, and 1000 Watts at 4 Ohms is in my opinion a different and unique set of circumstances for home audio in my experience. I remember having computer audio setup through my laptop, and occasionally a full volume burst of noise would come through. This was with 50 watts per Channel. At 1000 watts per Channel I would lose my ceramic Accuton drivers. So I would rather run the computers volume wide open, barring clipping oh, and have a volume control for regular use. I do know how to use the search function though. I will use it when I can. Thanks for helping
Another option:

get one of these for $60.


It is passive, dead silent, and compatible with balanced and unbalanced cables.  It played very well with my Cherry mono amps that are Class D.

Then, put the rest of your budget into the best DAC you can find.  Save some more here buy obtaining a preowned unit.

I have also had a Nuprime DAC-10 which is a preamp/dac and would recommend you take a look at one of these.