DAC, amp and headphone for the following 5 attributes

Just stepping into the hi-fi space. I am now at the research phase  :)

The main key attributes I want my headphone system to excel at are:

• Detail retrieval
• Instrument separation - like clarity between distinct sounds, which doesn't feel muddied at all. I think this is the most important for me
• Decay - I love those cymbol decays
• Imaging - more important than soundstage
• Black background - like absolutely pitch black

Could you suggest me a DAC, an amp and headphone to excel at those? I prefer a DAC/amp combo device but standalone is also fine.

Price range - DAC/amp collectively under 2500 and headphone under 2000. So collectively ~4000-5000 USD I guess, but I am open to price no bar options as well.


I have a setup very similar to this that has all the characteristics you’re looking for in spades…






Best of luck. 

• Detail retrieval
• Instrument separation - like clarity between distinct sounds, which doesn't feel muddied at all. I think this is the most important for me

There are no headphones that have as much detail as the RAAL SR1b | Magna | Immanis. I love the SR1b more than the more expensive Magna and Immanis because the SR1b is a 2-channel presentation compared to the traditional headphone presentation of the other 2 phones.

The only issue with the SR1b is that is has some brightness to it and needs some warmth in the chain. I use the Schitt Yggi+ Less Is More DAC. You can get this on the used market for about $1700.

I have 2 ways to power the SR1a (same as the SR1b).

  • Schitt Kara F preamp ($799) | Schitt Aegir v1 amp ($500 used) | RAAL TI-1b interface ($800) | Yggi+ LIM ($1700 used)
  • RAAL VM-1a tube headphone amp | Schitt Yggi+ LIM

Someone previously posted to look at the Schitt Mjolnir v3. I sold mine 3 days ago and replaced it with the Schitt Kara F preamp, The MJ3 is warmer, and I loved it in the system where the Kara F currently resides. I used the Mj3 as a preamp because the headphone amp on the MJ3 cannot drive the Sr1a.

My friend Danny at RAAL-Requisite has 1 more VM-1a left to sell, I do not think it is made anymore by the Serbian designer.

Requisite Audio | High-End Audio For Creators & Connosouirs


Thank you all for the valuable inputs.. Certainly helpful!

@yyzsantabarbara, Looks like estats are the way to go, the only problem is budget. Getting a headphone + energizer is usually well above 5k. Maybe I will get used ones.