D'Appolito on What Matters

For anyone interested in evaluating loudspeakers and measurements thereof I found a very recent (November 10, 2016) article by the good Dr. Joseph D'Appolito. A man who quite literally wrote the book on speaker testing.

I share this knowing it will start endless flame wars, but still hopeful some will find it informative.


Showing 4 responses by erik_squires

Dunlavy's article is interesting too, though at fist blush, the idea of matching instrument radiation patterns seems bogus, and not what I read acousticians and other speaker makers attempting to do.

I'm an unqualified pretender though, so I'll have to do more investigation.



If you are making high end, that makes sense! :)  It was probably a crap load of work then too! :)

Not just drivers, but caps and coils are notorious for varying. Depends of course on the type and maker. It's totally worth buying 1% resistors for this reason alone!

With automated testing and characterization software I imagine it's much easier now. Not to mention, if you are buying in bulk, you can request certain specs be tested before delivery.


In case others don't know, D'Appolito has designed many different types of speakers but he is most famous for the configuration that bears his name, the MTM (midwoofer, tweeter, midwoofer). Not all MTM designs are D'Appolito and not every speaker D'Appolito has designed are MTM. :)

As far as the mids matching, the design doesn't suffer from those problem so much. You en up hearing the average of the two drivers, assuming the speaker is properly designed. Some would even argue you'll get more consistent results by using 2 drivers, as the average will tend to vary less than any single speaker.

The D'Appolito also has improved room interactions vs. traditional 2-way speakers and in the midrange act closer to line sources.

I'd give them a listen, but not saying you should buy them.
Sorry to hear that. I was actually just thinking that. It's super convenient to match two speakers via DSP. I wonder how much of the benefit of things like DiracLive or Audessey comes just from matching speaker frequency response hyper-accurately.