D'Agostino Momentum amp melts down

The latest issue of Stereophile tests the Momentum amplifier and amp number 1 melts down during the precondition test. Atkinson is afraid to subject amp number 2 to the same test and only runs it for 1/2 as long as the standard test.

Parasound, Bryston, and others pass this test but the Momentum can't? Then they act like it's no big deal like it melted down. So, if that's the case, why perform the test?

The manufacturer response doesn't remark on the melt down. I would think Dan would be duly embarrassed but what the heck, those copper heat sinks sure look great.

Would a prospective buyer (not me) be hesitant to power an inefficient speaker to loud levels with this amp?


Showing 2 responses by wolf_garcia

I thought that was hilarious...understandable thermal issue, but people love this amp SO MUCH they stand up for it! I've read several reviews if the thing (and its stereo "el cheapo" 20 something grand version) and was surprised Stereophile got to it so late...but still...I absolutely take wholehearted pleasure in this amp shutdown issue, and further pleasure in the fact that anybody justifies or defends the embarassing shut down...really...55 grand! These amps should not only never ever do anything but look and sound fabulous, they should venturi their heat into little clouds of golden wonderfulness that water your house plants and make children happy all over the world.
Really? "MOST amps fail the test?" Hmmm... also I disagree with the statement "This is pure entertainment with absolutely no value"...since when does "pure entertainment" lack value? Do happiness, mirth, delight, joy, glee, intense snarky and self righteous AH HA moments, or fun at the expense of the uber-sensitive lack value? I say NO NO NO...I love this aspect of the hobby: "when realities collide." The audio reviewmanati have their collective heads so far up the wazoos of some makers of VERY EXPENSIVE TOYS they get faint from lack of air (and sad from their inability to personally afford $175,000 speakers, $55,000 amps, or $15,000 phono cartridges). Of COURSE a 50K amp pair should be flawless...otherwise why pay 50k for this stuff? And why not delight when a spanner hits the works. It's fun! Still...I think Momentum stuff is great, looks amazing and sounds fabulous...when it works!