Cryo'ed LP's

I'm getting ready to cryo a boat load of gear and was thinking about getting some of my best vinyl done. Anyone done this? If so what were your results?

If you have not done this to your LP's I'd rather not hear how lame this idea sounds... I'm sure I will anyway.

Showing 2 responses by lewm

I can only think of bad things that can happen, like the process will permanently deform the grooves, etc. And I cannot imagine the rationale for it. By all means, try it and tell us what happens. But keep your 6-eyes and your original Blue Notes out of the freezer for now, is my advice.
Geoff, You were not serious about "cryo"-treating your LPs using your home freezer, were you? I assume you know that temperatures attained in a home freezer are nowhere near low enough to have any effect on molecular or atomic organization of any material (except of course for freezer burn). OK, you were kidding, and here I am taking the bait.

Has anyone really cryo-treated an LP with good results?