Crown XLS 1502.... real life test.

I was at guitar center yesterday cruseing the used pedal case and noticed they had the XLS1502 was on sale. With there 45 day return policy, that i have used with great success in the past, i bought the amp.

  With my Logan’s the crown was very clear and full. 525 watts at hand per channel brought the speakers to life. I adjusted the input to around 3 o’clock seemed to be a good match. I went thru a few cd’s and they all sounded great with Steely Dan winning the show...

  I put the Mac back in the loop and noticed the soundstage was a bit bigger and a good amount more subdude.

This was my first foray in the class D world and I was surprised at how good it sounded. At 329.00 its kinda hard to beat. I have no idea what the current measurements are but the XLS made the Logan’s sing. If i read the article correctly, doesnt the JBL Everest’s come with XLS amps? That’s the way it read... please correct me.

Anyway, it was a fun afternoon and the Crown is going back today. I haven’t bought the 10t’s yet... prob June is when I can pick them up... I will buy another crown then to use when I send the 7100 to a mac repair center to get a checkup... I have a gut feeling something is amiss with her. All in all I really enjoyed the XLS and in a blind test i feel it would hold up to many good amps that cost $$$$$.

  I want a 300 watt Mac but at 3-4 thousand dollars that is a big stretch for this retired chef... lol

BTW... the XLS was DEAD silent ... nothing!
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biohoa and cshadow,
Don't waste your time or money. This is not an amp for audiophiles. Especially with a fine set of speakers like those KEF's, you will really be disappointed with the inferior sound, Same with that great Mac pre. There really is no free lunch. 
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Well, two days ago I took delivery of an xls1502 and the ifi Zen Dac. I’m using the Zen purely as an preamp for the crown amp and streaming Spotify, speakers are Monitor Audio Bronze. I’m a professional classical guitarist and teacher and rate my ears as good and I have to say this setup sounds absolutely incredible; clear lush sound, warm, amazing bass, and lots and lots of power. I’m blown away. I think those dismissing the crown amp on grounds of being ‘pro’ audio gear are doing so for reasons other than what it actually sounds like.
I have a xls1500 the earlier model. Little dry to my ear but nothing offensive and well balanced on it's own. With a tube preamp I tthink it sounds very good indeed. Currently its powering a old Paradigm servo 15 sub that I blew the amp up on. Does a great job with that as well.