Crossover issue.

Well, I have tried everywhere else so I’ll try here.Is there a qualified Engineer who would like to make a set of crossovers that is exactly the same as my current boards, but with platinum parts... +/- 2% all premium inductors, electrolytics, resisters... Wiring etc...
For a DIY project I’m halfway through?

I am willing to pay a reasonable amount of labor and of course for the parts with invoices to back that part up.

I’ve already ran the DIY with my 1981 crossovers and it sounds incredible.
The blackness in between the music is the ONLY criticism I have that makes them not quite up to my 25,000 reference speakers currently.
I’m sure with a little better parts in this area of the design I will get that and have a speaker that would be a show winner at any Audio show.

I can send pictures of the current ones of you are in a position to help.

Thanks in advance,


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