Croft and LFD comparison with Harbeths

I'm very interested to hear if you have any comparisons between LFD and Croft amps with any Harbeth, especially with 30.1 as I have.

I'm about to upgrade my Rega brio amp and have settled on either 25/7 (25r/7) or a used LFD zero amp.

All input is welcome!

Most reviews I've read seem to suggest that the  LFD is a better match for Harbeths.  Although, I don't own Harbeths speakers anymore, at one time, I was considering upgrading to either the LFD or Leben CS600 integrated amps to power a set of SHL5+.  
I have had Crofts for years. I use the older tube amps with Spendors but not Harbeths. I also use the 25R with Quad ESLs. They sound excellent, reliable and love tube rolling. You don't need the 25R if funds are tight but do roll in a set of Telefunkens or the new black Grant Shuguangs. 
This LFD thread doesn't look good!

Thanks.. Update: ordered Croft 25/7 with a set of Mullards instead of stock tubes. Im very excited to hear it with my harbies!
Replace power cord with this at least:
google ble design power cord rhodium. Get the 12mm at least.

Both Croft and LFD work well with Harbeth speakers. The the LFD sounds a bit better than the Croft regardless of speakers used. I carry bith LFD and Croft, both being favorites of mine. If you are possibly still in the market, I can actually send you both a Croft and LFD to try in your home for a couple of weeks to help you decide. BTW, congrats on the 30.1, the 30.1 will keep you up late at night listening to music.
@generubinaudio i have a single chassis RIAA - RS that has been back across the pond to Glenn and came back w same issue, who does Croft service for you in USA ?

btw when it works, it is absolute phono magic

best to you
@noromance HF noise in one channel, odd problem, parts changed by Glenn and a tech in USA, three sets of tubes, etc
i don’t want to sidetrack, Glenn makes awesome stuff.
I have had both in my system over the years (with the Harbeth C7es3, and I think that the LFD was better.  However, they were both phenomenal.  I think the convenience of the LFD without any tubes to worry about is another point in its favor.  LFD is the only SS amplification that I've ever heard that has the beauty of tubes. 

To be fair, I didn't do much tube rolling with the Croft when I had it.  With some NOS tubes, it might pull ahead of the LFD.  

This is really a win-win debate.  You can't go wrong!