Critical listening or a reason to keep tinkering?

Hello knowledgable ones, opinions would be appreciated. I am new to the hobby and trying to get the most out of what I have. Thanks to all the information on this forum I think I am getting close to the unobtainable perfection in my listening world. I can get chills listening to dance of the tumblers but the question is..... At what point can I, or should I, stop tinkering, spending, inventing ways to make my system sound better? The War Department is starting to question some of my purchases because she can't hear a decernable difference, when I clearly can (placebo or not!). Please help, my affliction is getting worse ($30,000 for speakers doesn't seem unreasonable now!!) I need a cure, and no, mono blocks are not the answer..... Well maybe.


Showing 1 response by douglas_schroeder

You said, "Thanks to all the information on this forum I think I am getting close to the unobtainable perfection in my listening world."
You are likely showing naivety in this matter due only to inexperience. The levels of improvement are endless, quite literally. There are dozens upon dozens of significant, powerful changes to systems, and they don't stop coming if one wishes to pursue them. Even when one has spent $100K on a rig there are many levels of sound improvement available. The escalator of sound quality reaches a goodly number of upper floors. 

One alternative is to pursue variety rather than chase "The One," as though there is a perfect rig out there. Even cheap alternative components with adjustments to the system can provide a relaxing variety which is tremendously gratifying. It allows changing things but not with severe escalating prices. As a System Builder I love this aspect of the hobby, and it is as valid as Mediaphiles who amass media. But, you can pick your "level" of expenditure to operate within. 

I strongly suggest you make a habit to have agreement with your wife on any changes. If she is uncomfortable with them, do not do them. The marriage is far more important than any system. You can find many pieces of gear to satisfy curiosity at all price points. But broken trust or losing love for unilateral decisions is far too expensive a price to pay for such things. If you keep to a certain price point you can still make changes which likely your wife will hear and appreciate (if she cares beyond protecting the budget or together time). 

Read a book while listening. Distract your analytical side. It works for me. When I do not wish to be critical, I relax and meld listening with other activity.