Creek 5350 SE and Maggies

I have maggie 12s with a denon 3803. I want to upgrade to a creek 5350. My questions are will this make a significant difference with regards to sound quality? Will the creek work with 2 channel dvd audio? thanks
At that price point...nothing wrong with Creek...but I would as audition Bryston b-60 intergrated...dont get hung up on the is only rated at 60w...but this is a very conservative Bryston dealer had them paired with the 1.6s...and man...WOW!....they really brought out the best bass I have heard on Mags...I also heard the 12s on the NAD SILVER series...and that sounded great too...good luck...
I think the creek will sound a little smoother and more open. Probably a better soundstage also. Keep in mind that Maggies are power hungry! I really wouldn't buy anything under 100 watts to run them. 200 watts isn't a bad idea.
I did have maggie 10.1s and ran them for fun with a 17 watt triode amp. They sounded great but, no bass and no volume at all. My 100 watt threshold did much better.
Thanks. Can you tell me how it would sound different? Sound stage, less metalic, more projection from the speakers...?
Unless you listen loud, I would think you'll like the sound of the 12's with the creek. I heard the creek for just a short time at a maggie dealer. He seemed to think they would do just fine with a 5350 SE. Probably one of the best sounding integrateds in that price range. I would think quite a step above the denon. Hope this helps.