Crackle and hiss on some albums

New to world of vinyl. 
Had a low end Orbit turntable, played everything OK.

Upgraded to a Planar 3 with Rega Exact 2 cartridge. Absolutely love it. Noticed that some albums - even when brand new - exhibit some crackle, pop, and hiss. Some albums are dead silent and perfect. Have checked for dust and that doesn’t seem to be issue. Is there a quality factor with some pressings I am missing? Or something in setup that needs looking at?


Thank you for thoughts! 

System is Vincent tube gear -

Vincent PH-701 tube Phono Stage

Vincent SA-T7 tube Preamp

Vincent SP-20 tube hybrid Amp

Sonus Faber Olympica II’s 



Showing 1 response by yoyoyaya

@OP Some modern pressings are noisy. And some purely analogue recordings exhibit tape hiss. Back in the era when multitrack recorders were limited to four or eight tracks, there was frequently an amount of bouncing done to increase the number of recordable tracks, and this caused increased hiss as the noise from each bounce was baked in to the overall recording.