Crackle and hiss on some albums

New to world of vinyl. 
Had a low end Orbit turntable, played everything OK.

Upgraded to a Planar 3 with Rega Exact 2 cartridge. Absolutely love it. Noticed that some albums - even when brand new - exhibit some crackle, pop, and hiss. Some albums are dead silent and perfect. Have checked for dust and that doesn’t seem to be issue. Is there a quality factor with some pressings I am missing? Or something in setup that needs looking at?


Thank you for thoughts! 

System is Vincent tube gear -

Vincent PH-701 tube Phono Stage

Vincent SA-T7 tube Preamp

Vincent SP-20 tube hybrid Amp

Sonus Faber Olympica II’s 



Showing 1 response by musicfan2349

I believe that @mahler123 hit the nail on the head. Vinyl as a medium is prone to physical imperfections. Be it foreign matter like dust or fingerprints (gasp!) or actual damage to the record itself such as scratches or just plain wear. 

As a long time vinyl enthusiast, I think I've learned to just listen 'past the noise' to the good stuff we're after which is, ostensibly, the music. I found a great LP at a used shop the other day, Brubeck's "Time In". 


A quick examination at the store showed it to be in not too bad in condition, When I got home I ran it through my Project RCM and was pleased that although not perfect, it was quite passable listening. And having learned something new, I'll now have to search for the rest of the "Time" series of LPs. After listening a thought occurred to me and sure enough, searching Amazon Prime, "Time In" appeared in the catalog and I can listen to the music w/o the surface noise of the LP... But somehow the LP sounds more vivid, more "real" to my ears in comparison. 

Sorry for the ramble! Too much coffee this morning I expect. 😇

Happy listening.