Could this be a Major Breakthough ?

New chip provides high-end sound even with low-end speakers. Maybe this chip will be in home stereo gear soon.

Showing 2 responses by usblues

We have heard from you in the past on various subjects.Very amusing for the most part.Sort of like a demented uncle/grandfather occasionally coming out of his coma.Keep up the good work,we're all in this together,Bob
Don't thank me Sherod.Thank him.Have you seen the stuff he comes up with?Its been months I think and I still remember his musings.Like a frizzy-haired mad scientist in a lab coat is what I see when I wonder who he is.Like Einstein on mushrooms in a dungeon surrounded by large noisy machines.......I love this site.......I had a friend like him in Berkeley in the summer of 70......back to my coma,cheers,Bob