Corelli - really????

I read the 6 moons review on this but I still have a hard time believing this can improve a system.  Anyone have any experience with these?
andrew67 - Thanks for sharing your experience with the Corelli! It really does help. Especially since it's your first post which means to me the Corelli really made a strong  impression on you!
I have been using the Corelli for about 8 months now. I find that using a high end (UPOCC) short power cable is best as well as plugging it at an outlet or power bar that actually supplies the source, pre-amp and amp . I use a DIY 0.5m Furutech 16 gauge cable with Furutech connectors at both ends. According to the manufactures the Corelli mainly addresses the higher frequency noises. They also recommend adding the Akiko DIY Harmonizer at the main breaker panel to enhance the Corelli's performance further. I find the combo of the Corelli and the Harmonizer does provide a blacker background than the Corelli by itself. I have experimented enough to conclude that the Harmonizer has a greater beneficial effect than the type of power cord used. I have been wondering as to why the Harmonizer at a remote place (power mains panel) would do this. I think it is possibly because this is where the ground and the neutral lines meet and the harmonizer prevents backwashing of noise from the ground into the neutral. To address the full spectrum of noise (high frequency as well as low frequency noise) I use active power (non-limiting) power conditioning for low frequency noises in addition to the Corelli which is a passive device that addresses the high frequency noises in the power lines. The combination of all these devices have reduced my background noise to such low levels that my volume setting on my amplifier is about 10 to 20 % lower for the same sound output levels (great for tube amplifiers with limited power) and as well micro details not heard before are now apparent.

To add to this discussion if I may. The Corelli is a marvelous unit, all of the reviews are accurate and it is the easiest upgrade to use ever.

 I have it plugged into a simple but robust power strip made by a company called BPI, the remaining components simply plug into the same strip.

 I have used a lot of gear, lots of power conditioners from Shunyata to PS audio, several from IsoTek,  and many others.

 The Corelli is simple and works wonders.   It seems to produce an overall improvement in all areas as opposed to “more bass” or “better image”, it improves all areas. Very easy to install and easy to perform with / without comparisons.   When I have had audiophile colleagues visit their responses have been consistent.   Easy to hear the difference and if given the choice would not want to listen without the unit in the system.

The only previous product I used that was similar and was very good as well from Nordost.   The QX power purifiers were great and produced a similar result to the Corelli. Problem was that they doubled the number of power cords you needed and they suggested multiple units.   I used to have 3 of these.

 The Corelli does it all in one box and is as easy as just plugging it into your existing power distribution.

 I would suggest getting their power cord as well, it seems to be an important part of the performance.

Additional benefits can also be had using Akiko’s “tuning chips” . I have been using these on power cords as well as what they call a “harmonizer” that connects to the ground wire of my electrical panel.

Very cumulative improvements and a real synergy when I began using these things together.

I have no financial interest of any kind in the Corelli gear, people seem to be mentioned such things in their comments.   But I am a giant fan and wouldn’t be without the Akiko products I have added to my system over the last 8 months or so.

Very interesting comments and our testing on the Corelli has come up with the exact same conclusion as several of the other people on this forum. After testing over 60 different conditioning systems I prefer my Akiko Corelli over any of the other conditioners I have tested. I believe that the system starts from the wall receptacle out or if you go one step further, your panel out. I now use a quality passive strip plugged into an upgraded receptacle with a very good power cord from the receptacle to the power strip. Then I like my Akiko Corelli plugged directly into the first outlet of my passive strip.


We are the North American distributor for Akiko and we did extensive testing before taking on the Akiko audio line. I have not heard many products over the past 40 years of listening that can produce improvements throughout your whole system like the Akiko Corelli does.


Cheers, Worldwide Wholesales

@worldwidewholesales.....what "quality passive strip" are you using?  I also use a high end power conditioner with the Corelli, but it would be interesting to try substituting a passive power strip to hear what the results are.  In advance, thanks!