Corelli - really????

I read the 6 moons review on this but I still have a hard time believing this can improve a system.  Anyone have any experience with these?

Showing 17 responses by sbayne

Hi everyone. I use an Akiko Triple AC Enhancer in the same outlet that feeds my power conditioner and use an Akiko Tuning Stick in an outlet on the conditioner. You think if I added another Triple AC Enhancer to the conditioner I would be getting towards Corelli territory? (They do seem to be cumulative.)  Also, what power cords seem to work best with the Corelli? Thanks.
@louisl - Thanks. The Akiko products are interesting. I've been messing with them in different places in my system. I now have a Triple Enhancer, Tuning Stick and E-Tuning Gold MK II all on the same circuit by using a power outlet extender. The effect is much better than disturbing them on seperate circuits. I may still try a Corelli once I raise the funds. I haven't used a Inakustik power cord which I'll try to check out as well. 
andrew67 - Thanks for sharing your experience with the Corelli! It really does help. Especially since it's your first post which means to me the Corelli really made a strong  impression on you!
I re-read this discussion and comments from the distributor. I went ahead and got a Corelli. Glad I did! As people tried to tell me, multiple AC Enhancers on one line may be excellent but the Corelli by itself is even better. I’m using Akiko’s power cord. I tried a couple of other cords but the Akiko is the best. I’m using a E-Tuning Gold MK II with it which also makes an audible difference. It's on my system page if you care to see it. I put a DIY "tube light" on top of the Corelli to add a little "art" to the black box. ha,ha
Ozzy - that's a tough question. Trying it on each of your dedicated lines and leaving it where it sounds best is the logical answer. Especially most people , if they are like me, if they have a dedicated line it feeds the entire system. The same is true if its plugged into a power conditioner that feeds the entire system. So, its very hard to say what component its improving the most. @worldwidewholesales or Jaguar Audio Design may be able to give you some better insight. 
@worldwidewholesales - Don't mean to intrude with your conversation with Ozzy but your answer intrigues me. So use the Corelli on the line that the front end is on and it will affect all his other dedicated lines? I haven't seen this advice before. How did you determine to treat the front end line versus using it on a line that his preamp or amp are on, for instance? Also, its been recommended to try moving the Corelli as far away from components as possible. What's your findings in that regard? Thanks.
Thanks @worldwidewholesales . You seemed so definitive in your response regarding using it on the front end line that I had to ask. As to physical placement of my Corelli in my system it doesn't seem to matter if I have it by other equipment or not.  The effect doesn't change as long as I have it on the same line as the rest of my components. That's why I was surprised you told Ozzy it will affect all his dedicated lines.
Agreed. I don't think just having it in the room makes a difference especially with the crystals being inside that steel case. It needs to be plugged into the line where equipment is plugged in to. Also, like you indicate, Its not like an Acoustic Revive R888. The R888 generates a Schumann Resonance which is a different controversial audio topic. I've used crystals and Schumann generators in my system for years.
@uberwaltz - I would plug the Corelli into the same wall outlet you use for the CPT Equicore 1800.
@uberwaltz - If you haven't tried the Akiiko Audio products and don't want to spring for the Corelli right away I would recommend you try a Triple AC Enhancer. Just plug it into the wall outlet with your CPT.  Its gotten great reviews and certainly worked in my system. 
Maybe. I think the MC-05 uses magnets and the Akiko products use crystals. I’m not sure anyone has actually compared the two in their systems and wrote about it. If so, I’ve missed it. I think the Akiko stuff is trying to clean-up EMI/RF. The AC Enhancer works only on the ground and the Corelli I understand works on the hot, neutral and ground so that’s why it’s active. The MC-05 uses magnets to manipulate the electrons in the electrical current. So, two different concepts. They may actually work well together....
Ozzy- I have a music rail and IQSE in my amp and use a IQSE in my music server.  I also use Sonic Tonics which I believe to be crystal based. Since the CorelIi is active I’m guessing it might be the interaction with the MC-05s.  I purchased a MC-05 which should be here Monday.  I realize it won’t be like having 20 of them in my system like you do but now I really want to hear what happens.  It does seem the effect is better the longer the Corelli is plugged in.  I’ve been messing with different configurations with mine and normally let each change “cook” for awhile (couple hours) before listening too critically.  I have found, like others have reported, the power cord used on the Corelli does make a difference.  Getting a stale/dry/dead sound is really surprising.  I thought you might say it made no difference in your system or made things too thick and syrupy.  Thanks for your feedback.   
Ozzy - did the stale sound happen on all your dedicated lines? Also what were the Corelli and the MC-0.5s plugged into? Where were your DIY power strips and CPTs in the chain in relation to the Corelli? Thanks
Been messing with the MC-0.5. In my system, it definitely sounds better when upstream of the Corelli. Getting a rich, layered sound.
Hi David - Thanks for the update.  Let us know how you come out. The Castello seems like a logical next step for Akiko. I assume it's a crystal based grounding block. I have a DIY version in my system.