Cool it!

Greetings to All,
How do you cool your hot amp?
Do you fan air in or away?
From the top or the bottom.
Is proper ventilation enough to keep the amp cool and healthy?
What is the science and your experiences behind this practice? 

Long Live HiFi!
Thank you

Showing 3 responses by handymann

I’ll have to say I enjoy reading almost everyone’s point of view.  There are some that insist on creating a war of words.  This is aggravating. I too have posted too many crazy contributions, after having adult beverages. At times I will ask questions, that I know the answers to, just to get opinions.  I always like to learn.  No one knows it all, although some will have you believe they do. I always like to read what Raul has to say, although I don’t always agree.  I have several favorites, but they will go unmentioned.
I have central A/C, but you deal with what you have.  I keep my class A biased amps off, then then turn them on about 30 minutes to an hour, before I listen. I mean totally off with the power switch on the back.  I have an upstairs dedicated sound room, therefore I turn both the heat or the A/C on hours before a listening session.
It’s very normal for Krell amps and most class A biased amps to become very warm-some even hot to the touch.  Be sure not to impede the air flow around them,  thus no stacking other components on top, or placing them inside cabinets etc.  Common sense stuff.  Remember-a class A biased amp is always “wide open” when turned on.  I have stated this comparison many times.  They’re like a hot fuel dragster sitting at the line waiting for the the green light.