Convert Bozak Mono Speaker to Subwoofer???

My dad has an old Bozak speaker, for which he built a 44" (w), 22" (d) and 17" (h) box. The box contains a 12" woofer, a 5" midrange, and 2 tweeters mounted over the woofer. He no longer uses this speaker, but instead has two bookshelf speakers (actually sitting on bookshelves!). That's not going to change, but I was thinking about using the woofer in this Bozak to get him a little more bass extension. The idea is to purchase a subwoofer amp from Part's Express, take the signal from the preamp out or the speaker terminals of his receiver, and do whatever I can to get the sound balanced. The Bozak would sit in the corner of a rectangular room (approx 14x28), and cannot be rearranged. If necessary, we could take out the midrange and plug up the hole, just leaving the woofer in the existing box.

What do you all think. Is this potentially worth it, or does the box shape, size, and inflexibility with location make it not worthwhile. If it's worthwhile, any additional advice would be welcome! Thanks, Peter.

Showing 1 response by peter_s

The box is sealed, though removing the midrange driver would make it vented! I'm not sure if it would be better to leave the mid in and allow it to vibrate passively, or to take it out and glue a piece of wood down over the hole (from the inside). Also, we'd need to take out the driver and look it over. It was making bass without incident 5 years ago, but I don't know what shape the foam surround is in. If the driver wasn't built to be a "subwoofer", does that imply that the foam surround (even in best condition) may not hold up to the bass energy? I doubt it. If the foam surround is going bad, would it be best to just purchase a new driver designed specifically to be a subwoofer or get a new foam kit?

Thanks for your input. It will be fun to make this work!