Considering switching to Tubes

Hello all, 

For the last ten or so years I've been listening to music on my home stereo, and for the last 10 or so years I have been 100% content with everything about it. And then my best friend brought by a Chinese integrated tube amp, and my world fell apart. 

Currently the set up is:
Speakers: B&W 805s 
Amp: Rotel RB1070
Preamp: Rotel RC1070 
CD player: Rotel RCC1055

The B&W and Rotel gear was purchased whe  I worked at an electronics retail store through the employee purchase program (I think it was cost -10%), the TEAC was added to try out streaming through the system, which in all honesty is what I do 99% of the time now. 

My friend and former colleague brought over a recently acquired Yaqin MC100B, and I simply can't stress enough how much more I enjoyed listen to the music off of that integrated Amp. 

Which leads me to my questions, should I just give in, and grab a relatively affordable tube amp? And secondly, I've been reading (mostly about Yaqin, because I'm not in the position currently to invest 5000+) up on their various models, and the two that seem to be what in looking for are either the MC100B which I've heard on my system and the MC13S, which I have not. The first uses KT88s and the second uses EL34s, I'm not a big bass loving guy, and the EL34s intrigue me, but I'm a hesitant to jump in without listening to them. The snag is, I live in the arctic, and the only really way for me to try them at home, is to purchase them. 

I'm open to arguments for and against swapping out the rotel, for yaqin.


If you think you want to go the tube route I would highly suggest Rogue audio. You didn't give a cap on how much you would like to spend, but you said you are not in the position to do 5000+ investment at this time. I started with all tubes preamp and tube monoblocks. My current setup is still a tube preamp paired with Pass Labs SS amps and couldn't be happier. I had Rogue monoblocks at one time but decided to do a "deal" with my dealer and git VTL amps ( bad mistake for another topic one day)I wish I keep the Rogue monoblocks. The Cronus Magnum by Rogue should suit you quite nicely. One thing that is nice about Rogue Audio is you can call them and get supurb customer service and advice. One thing you need to keep in mind is tube gear has a tendency of breaking more often than SS gear dose it just comes with the territory. So along with the investment of tube amps/ preamps you will need to keep a "tube survival kit" especially if you are remote and accessibility to tubes is difficult. Translation be prepared to invest in replacement tubes because when it's -25° and all you want to do is stay comfy warm and listen to music and a tube takes a dump you are sonically S.O.L . Hope this helps you.
Happy Listening
Get the exact same amp you heard in your system and liked . Any other amp you get might not sound as good . Just because its tubed does not mean any other tubed integrated will sound as good as you like the Yaqin . 
Your friend sounds like a great guy. My advice to you is sell all your worldly possessions, empty all your saving and buy two giant mono blocks (150 watt single ended per channel should do) then go get a pair of avant-garde TRIO LUXURY EDITION 26. Use your phone as a preamp/streamer with a thrift store RCA to headphone jack cable. If you have enough money left over by the cheapest six pack of beer sit in your empty room listen to music inbetween sobs of self-loathing.
B&W's don't have the reputation for being all that tube friendly.
While this is true, the 805s are an exception. We've had a number of customers using 805s with our M-60 amplifiers so its a friendly load for almost any tube amp.
@gents   The OP specifically stated that he listened to a tube integrated, was duly smitten, and then asked if he should switch to a tube AMP, not preamp. As B&Ws are, typically, a rather demanding load, he should approach buying a tube amp for them with caution. Not any ole tube amp will do.