Conrad Johnson MF2550, What To Expect?

I should be receiving a used Conrad Johnson MF2550  250wpc solid state amp on Friday.  I have never heard the amp or any CJ equipment for the past 20 years.  What scant reviews I have read, it seems to be on the warmer side of neutral.  This is not the SE version which is a detailed sounding amp.  I am hoping for good synergy with my Rogue RP5 tube preamp and GE Triton Reference speakers.  I am presently using an Odyssey Stratos Extreme amp which is around 160wpc.  It is a little warm sounding but I am hoping the CJ will be better in my system.  If anyone owns one, has heard one or has any opinions, please reply to post.  Do you think it is a backwards, sideways or forward move?
Not very crazy about the sound.  Trying a McIntosh amp and McIntosh tube preamp.
@stereo5   Any updates about how the cj MF2550 amp is sounding in your system?

Happy Friday- stereo5

how many hours in logged on your CJ amp?

Happy Listening!


I haven't listened to that system for the past two weeks.  I upgraded my secondary system in my home office which is where I am most of the time.  I bought a McIntosh MA6600 integrated amp, a Mac CD301 SACD player and a Mac MR85 tuner from Audio Classics.  When I say these used pieces look brand new, I mean brand new.  Even the remotes were new.  I am loving the sound of this system which is a different presentation (this is a riper more rich sound) than the Conrad Johnson with the GE T Refs.  I am running the GE Triton 1 with the Mac set up.

I'll get back to the main system shortly though.

how is the CJ sounding and integrating into your system?
Happy Listening!
Won't be listening for a few weeks, leaving for vacation.  Rocky Mountain Audiofest here we come!
Much Thanks! stereo5-

keep me posted as you progress forward w/ the CJ amp.
Happy Listening!
@stereo5  Things should be "cooked" pretty soon.  Looks like you're in for pretty sweet sound soon!  Enjoy and revel in a purchase well made.
I have about 220 hours on the amp and 300 hours on the speakers.  I am continually amazed every time I fire up the system.
Thanks! for sharing- stereo5

good to read that your system continues to improve. How many hours are logged on the CJ amp?

Happy Listening!

I  have been   listening to the main system for a couple hours every day.  Getting that  Conrad Johnson amp worked out well as it makes the Triton References sound less hi fi ish and more like real music.

I just picked up a  used McIntosh MA6600 200wpc Integrated amp from Audio Classics on Tuesday, so I am really enjoying it playing through the GE Triton Ones in my office system.  The lushness of the Mac combined with the sweet sounding ribbon on the Ones is hard to beat.

Excellent! stereo5
good to read that you are back on track. I look forward in reading about your continued listening thoughts/impressions.
Happy Listening!
@stereo5   That's awesome!  What and how you describe it sounds about right based on my experiences with cj SS amps in the past.  They just sound right.  Your comment about the lack of upper midrange hardness is THE cj SS amp quality that sets it apart from other brands. just get to enjoy!

Finally.....Today I listened for 4 hours. I let the system warm up for about a half hour, then sat down to enjoy. The equipment I played today was the CJ MF2550 amp, Rogue RP-5 tube pre, Esoteric X-3 SACD Player and the GE Triton Reference speakers. All power cords and conditioning courtesy of Shunyata and I use a full loom of Groneberg Quattro Reference cables. I also have 2 dedicated lines, a 20 amp for equipment and a 15 amp for speakers.

Started off with DSOTM by Pink Floyd. I cranked up the heartbeat, it was unbelievable. My Odyssey amp ran out of gas on this song with the same speakers previously. When "On The Run" came on it was amazing, no staggering is a better word. The dynamic range had to be heard to believe. The soundstage went way beyond the speakers, it was like a wall of sound. The rest of the disk was equally amazing.

Next up was a SHM SACD of Paranoid by Black Sabbath. This disk never sounded good on any of my previous systems and I thought I wasted 50 bucks on it. Not so, it sounded deep and authorative. Ozzy’s voice was perfect and it was very easy to hear the different bass lines. With the Conrad Johnson amp driving the Triton References, all the upper midrange hardness disappeared and everything sounded just like music.

Next up was an old favorite, The Who Live At leeds (deluxe set). I listened to track 13, "The Magic Bus". John Entwistle really nailed the bass, it was truly something and Keith Moon was really smashing away on the drums, I was in Heaven.

Lastly, I listened to the CD "Letters Never Sent" by Carly Simon. Her voice was that of an angel, her vocals hung in the air in front of me, it was spooky. There was absolutely no strain to Carly’s voice and the CJ amp never even came close to running out of steam.

That’s it, so far. All positives, no negatives or what if’s. More to come.

still not back to listening yet. Looks like my wife needs another week to recouperate.

Very nice! stereo5

The Isotek disc is excellent. You are on your way my friend. The sound will continue to improve as more playing hours are accumulated. Enjoy the music.

Happy Listening!
The amp arrived yesterday and it looks absolutely brand new even though it is 8-9 months old.  I didn't do much listening yersterday, I let it cook the rest of the day with the Isotek test and equipment burn in cd.  I just finished a 3 hour listening session and for once, I didn't fall asleep!!!  The sound was very sweet with the combination of the CJ amp, my Rogue RP5 tube preamp, and my GE Triton Reference speakers.  It is the best sound I have gotten out of the Triton References so far.
Post removed 
An update - stereo5 ?
hope your amp arrived safe and sound (no pun) today. Give it 200 hours of break-in , you will be set. Happy Listening!
stereo5   I'm sure Friday can't come too fast!  Anticipation.  Agree with having a back-up amp. Look forward to hearing about your experience with the new cj amp.  Congrats!


Thanks for the kind words. No, I moved the Triton 1 to my secondary system and sold the Triton 2 that the T Ones replaced, What I am looking for is that warm romantic sound in solid state and this amp seems to fit the bill. The way I figure it, if this amp is too much of a good thing, I will send it to the factory for the Cap upgrades and that will brobably brighten it up a little. I bought this so right that I couldn’t really find anything better for what I spent. I just checked FedEx site and they are scheduled for Friday delivery. I am looking forward to this.

I have the VPI Prime now sitting on a 3 inch thick solid maple platform but I am not happy with the platform that I paid a lot of $$ for. I am waiting delivery of a platform made by Audio Vibration Control. It is solid applewood with thick cork on both sides sandwiched in a beautiful bamboo base. The maple platform was ok, but the craftsman cut through a large knothole for one of the edges. Not only is it very unsightly, but pieces of the knot fell out and there are spots where the finish didn’t adhere to the wood. Most likely I will put it up for sale at half of what I paid.

Really looking forward to this amp, I hope its a keeper. I am keeping my Odyssey as well for a back up amp.

@stereo5 Just looked at your system. Nice rig! Did you trade in the GE 1s to get the References? BTW Agree with jfant about tube pre with SS power. So many people have found that is successful coupling.

Are you using Herbie devices under the Scout TT cones?
stereo5 I have not had the pleasure of hearing the 2550, but did hear the 2300 and then its successor, the 2500. What I loved about the 2500 was it had the "beautiful, golden" cj sound of the 2300 but they had significantly improved the bass punch and depth. I would have bought that amp right then and there if I didn’t already have a fine power amp for my system.

There is a special something about cj solid state amps. They manage that tube-like lushness but with authoritative bass. I had looked at cj’s website recently and I think I would go your route rather than the SE version if the cj house sound is what you are after. I have also heard the Goldenear 1s on an occasion and found them very clean clear transducers. The references must really be something. Congrats!

Please let us know how everything works together. Audio Nirvana?
Alright! stereo5

you will soon have (2) amps that I am considering - Odyssey and CJ.
I have spent time w/ some of the older CJ soild-state power amps, but, not the current offerings. Do not worry about the "SE" upgrade. You can accomplish this later if as you figure out which brand has the best synergy in your system.  My go-to is Jack Tozzi at Spearit Sound in MA. He is well versed on CJ products old and new. A stand -up guy to be sure.

The Rogue (tubed) will match nicely to the CJ. The older models are pretty neutral to slightly warm to my ears. I like this combo (tubed pre and ss power). The key is going to get sonic matches on cabling. Again, Jack will be an excellent resource as well. Keep me posted, here or via pm,  as you receive and massage this amp into your system. Excited for you!
Happy Listening!