Conrad Johnson LP125sa and ET5

I have an opportunity to purchase these two components at an exception price. Any feedback from current owners would be greatly appreciated.

Currently running Plinius Hautonga/B&W 804 Diamonds as primary system. Secondary system is PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium with Audio Physic Tempo speakers.


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Showing 2 responses by cellorover

Go for it. To make a long story short, I had a ss amp and CJ LP70 connected directly to my DAC. I borrowed a preamp and heard what I was missing. I listened to 3 preamps and settled on the ET5. I then rolled the tubes in the LP70 and was really happy until I heard it side by side to the LP125. Needless to say, I now have the LP125sa+ and sold my LP 70. The ss amps are soon to go. All I do now is listen to music.
Great deal. But as Jafant said consider your cabels. Try both speakers also. Good luck.