Connectting Alesis 9600 to BAT VK32-SE

I would lke to record vinyl to an Alesis 9600. I am running 2 tt's inot an EAR 88PB then into a BAT VK32SE. The BAT has 5 inputs (2 balanced and 3 rca)but no outputs, except to 2 BAT VK-55 mono blocks. I am using balanced outputs on my EAR, which leaves the rca outputs unused. Can I connect thos to the Alesis inputs, or can I connect the two unsued rca's on the BAT preeamp as inputs to the Alesis inputs? The thought of haveing to run the tt dirctily into the Alesis is not appealing. Thank you in advance for your aadvice.

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I use the tape loop on my linestage and the recordings off my TT are excellent. Does anyone know if you can record vinyl at a higher resolution (and burn CD) w/o using CD24?

(sorry to hijack)