Connecting Airport Express to 802.11g LAN

I've had a wireless LAN (Microsoft wireless router) for more than two years. Works like a champ. I would like to ad an Airport Express so that I can stream from my computer to my stereo system. I'm not using the Airport base station. I've read the instructions but can't get it to work. The setup utility offers to set up or modify a base station with no other setup options. Can anyone turn on the light for me?

Showing 1 response by eastein

you can also use airfoil to connect anything that plays on your computer to the airport express.

"Airfoil was built with one purpose in mind - enabling you to send any audio you want to Apple's AirPort Express device. Airfoil works in conjunction with your AirPort Express and any audio player. Use it to send audio to your AirPort Express from Realplayer, Windows Media Player, QuickTime Player, or even your web browser. With the ability to send almost any audio to your remote speakers, Airfoil and your AirPort Express make a great pair."