Confused along the journey--opinions please

I'm confused, or maybe I know some things from what I've learned.  What do you think?

I replaced Totem Arro loudspeakers with PSB Imagine T2s.  I needed a WAF floorstander to replace the Totems and the PSBs did the trick.  After experiencing some neutral and accurate sound, I felt that I was missing some passion.  So, I moved my Creek Evolution 100A to the second system and bought a Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP.  

I had a bad switch in the Primaluna and had to send it back.  They are sending out a new unit asap.  Superb customer service from Mr. Kevin Deal.  

The Primaluna was so interesting and I enjoyed it.  But, to make matters confusing, I introduced a Manley Chinook tube phono preamplifier into the mix tonight and had to bring the Creek Evolution back to the PSBs (because the Primaluna is on a truck tomorrow while I wait replacement). 

So now my point.  While there were real audible differences between the Creek and Primaluna, the Manley Chinook may be more of a game changer.  

It's so hard to audition equipment these days so I'm a bit confused.  I know that I need to get a new Primaluna back into the spot to hear it with the Manley.  But I'm wondering what folks with more experience than me think.  

The Manley Chinook has bested the Creek's drop in phono board for sure.  I don't want to be chasing stuff, yet I want to feel just a bit more passion for the music, which the Chinook delivered in spades.

But where is my next level?    
Are my PSBs the weak spot now?  The Creek v. Primaluna is certainly not as wide a margin as I thought--whereas the Manley Chinook v. the Creek internal phono is no contest.  

All opinions welcome, especially from those who have more experience than I do! :)

Showing 1 response by lewm

Your turntable is fine.
Your cartridge is excellent.  You won't find an MC in that price range that can compete with it.
You observed that you like the Manley Chinook better than the other choices before you, so it seems self-evident that you might keep the Chinook. (You did not say whether you actually bought the Chinook or borrowed it.)
When you receive the new Primaluna, compare it to the Creek, using the Chinook for phono (if it is indeed your favorite phono stage still).  Pick between the Primaluna and the Creek on that basis.
Then take a deep breath.  
I recommend cognac, and stay away from politics.