Confused about adapter for RCA to BNC

OK, I’m sure this will "engender" jokes but I still need some help. I have a digital Coax cable with BNC connectors on both ends. I’m buying a DAC that only has an RCA Coax input, so I need an adapter to, in effect, convert one end of the BNC cable into an RCA. What is this sort of adapter called, exactly?  "Female BNC to Male RCA" ? 

... and, can anyone recommend a brand/model, send me a link???





@stuartk - I have the same DAC as you and used a BNC cable (Oyaide 510 ) with adaptors without any problems.  Later, I needed a longer cable and purchased another of the same cable except the longer cable had rca connectors.  I compared the cable with adaptors vs. the longer cable without adaptors and I heard no difference between the two.  Even compared to AES/EBU, I did not hear any reliably consistent differences.  USB may be just a tiny bit better sounding, IMO, but the perceived difference may also be personal preference.  
You found and linked a fancy-schmancy Cardas adaptor.  Just make sure you get the female bnc to male rca version.  In contrast, I used the type of adaptor kr4 was referring to and exactly what was linked by @knownothing for the comparison I described above, and it worked and sounded just fine for under $2, which is what  it should cost to resolve your issue. 

@stuartk   It usually is always better to follow the KISS principal.  (Keep it simple...)

Adapters, while they work, sooner or later can cause problems. The extra connections on the signal path, potentially cheap construction, and potential impedance mismatches with adapters...

So, +1 to carlsbad2 and audphile1, get either a good coax/spidif cable (RCA's) or and AES/EBU.

my 2 cents...

@stuartk Like some others here, for years I’ve used a much cheaper adaptor to the Cardas adaptor you already found with no problems or sonic compromise. Let your brain be your guide, not necessarily what you read. BTW, love your Craftman style home and listening area.

@stuartk - I agree with @marco1 on both the adaptor and "your Craftman style home and listening area."

Back in September in my 6 DAC thread, you commented on our styles being similar.  I do have a few pieces, some old some not so old, but your place is the real deal and the vibe is very cool.  Congrats on maintaining it as the builder intended!  BTW, is that a red husky laying by the doorway?  I have had 6 of them!