Confession of a poor power cord pairing for a Pass Labs XA-25

I recently purchased a Pass XA-25 to replace my Nuforce STA-200. I had replaced the power cord on my Nuforce with an entry level Silnote power cord which made a tremendous difference in sound for the Nuforce. However, when I received my XA-25, I apparently was in an extreme hurry and did not install the cord that Pass Labs included.
This evening as I was sorting through a big box of interconnects and power cords, I discovered a power cord that still had its factory twisty tie intact. After a few minutes of deliberation, I realized that this was the power cord that was included with the XA-25. I hooked it up and wow!.. Detail and Bass that I didn't know this amp was capable of.
Moral of the story.... Just because it's factory power cord.. doesn't mean it can't be good.


Showing 1 response by aberyclark

Hmmmm. I am using a ZU Event Powercord with my FirstWatt J2. Sounds great. This has got me wondering about the original Power cord that came with my J2. It's still in its twisty tie.