@williewonka That is wonderful advice about what to look for and how to go about comparing cables but like most of the responses I have gotten it really has nothing to do with the question I asked.
Since the primary problem of hanging two speakers cables off my bi-wired speaker appeared to be the risk of shorting out the amp I went ahead with my comparison carefully insulating the open end of the cable with ziplock bags. I was unable to hear any noise from the second cable acting as an antenna or any other kind of downside.
Having two cables connected at the speaker permitted me to swap cables at the amp fairly quickly so that I was able to remember how the prior cable sounded. Differences between the four cables I tried were very modest with one cable seeming clearly better than the others, but I'm not sure I would have noticed any change if the cables had been swapped without my knowing. The winning cable had better bass, separation and microdynamics, and a bigger sense of space while retaining very good high end definition. It has also been my "baseline" cable for a couple of months now so I know it doesn't contribute anything I don't like to my system. I didn't do a comparison with 12 AWG speaker cord so who knows, this may all be in my head like so many audiophile tweaks LOL.
The cable bears some similarity to the Nordost cables but isn't a direct copy or counterfeit of any other cable I am aware of. I did purchase it on Aliexpress and I'm sure that will earn me at least some jingoistic responses from the haters out there. There are several vendors selling the cable with different pricing and terminations. I am going to try and attach a picture for anybody that wants to try and track it down. My second favorite cable was a Kimber 12TC knockoff. And I did have a friend who came over a while ago and we didn't hear any obvious improvement with his Silversmith Fidelium cables in our quick test.