Comparing Powerline Ethernet to WiFi for streaming audio

Thought I would share my findings.
I have a ROON based music server system with Tidal and Qobuz streaming services. Using Small Green Computer’s SonicTransport i9 Optical as ROON Core, connected via optical cable to a Sonore Optical Rendu (powered by Sonore Linear Power Supply) acting as ROON endpoint. This then connects to Chord Blu Mk 2 via USB, which upsamples and connects to Chord DAVE DAC via dual BNC.
Until very recently, I was connecting my ROON Core to my cable modem/router using Google Mesh WiFi. I was and still is very happy with the sound quality. My audio system is too far from my cable modem to run an ethernet cable from cable modem/router to it. So, I relied on Google Mesh WiFi with a seperate pod situated close to the ROON Core and connected via ethernet. The Google Mesh pod itself had a linear power supply instead of the stock wall wart.
But I just tried a Powerline Ethernet adapter. This uses the home’s internal power cables to route ethernet from one room to another. I always thought that running digital data on power cables was going to be noisy. I bought a NetGear Powerline 1200 (1200Mbps speed). There are more expensive and newer powerline ethernet models available up to 2000Mbps speed. But these come with dual ethernet ports and pass through filtered power outlets. I though for dedicated audio purposes, better to keep it simple and minimize electronics.
Bottom line, I was blown away by the improvement in audio quality of the NetGear Powerline Ethernet connection over the Google Mesh WiFi connection. Mind you, I was very happy with the quality from the Google Mesh kit but the NetGear Powerline ethernet kit was clearly better.
The sound quality improvement was immediate and very evident. More space between instruments and notes. Smoother, more image depth and more air around the notes especially the trailing edges. So, no doubt, the Netgear Powerline 1200 was far superior to the Google Mesh WiFi. I then swapped the Netgear for a similar powerline ethernet product TP-Link AV600. This was recommended by Small Green Computer. The TP-Link is smaller and has 2 pin power prongs. The Netgear Powerlines has 3 pin power prongs, so it has a ground connection to the power outlet. I found the TP-Link to take a step backward in sound quality. The image depth decreased. Soundstage was flatter and there is less air and space between notes and instruments. The TP-Link Av600 was sounding a lot closer to the Google Mesh WiFi. Just my observations, FWIW.

Interesting, my results were exactly the opposite. Out of curiosity, what streamer are you connecting and what are you using for a cable to the TP-Link?

@zlone my path is: TP Link router with iFi LPS, Generic Ethernet Cable, Cisco 2960G switch, DX Engineering passive in line filter, 60 feet of Cat6 cable, DX filter, Cisco 2960G switch, Pangea ethernet cable to Sonore Media Converter with Sonore LPS, Direct Attach Cable (I forget the brand, but it’s the one recommended by the Etherregen guy) to Sonore OpticalRendu. When I tried the extender I used the Pangea Cable from the extender directly into the Media Converter. To me, the range extender is suspect because I suspect it has a noisy power supply, also the speed is way less than the direct connection.  I would like to try an Etherregen, using it "backwards" and eliminate the Media Converter.

@boulder_bob I would agree that the range extender probably has a noisy power supply. With a setup as sophisticated as yours, I expect that the cable sounds pretty good, strip everything out of there and you might get my results. It sounds like you have done your homework. I will get around to isolating the extender at some point, or replacing it with something better, but for now it is working better than the cable in my system. Thanks for reporting back.

My house is not wired with ethernet and wifi can't reach certain rooms very well. It has dead spots. My kid works in IT and set everything up using something called mocha adapters? I'm probably saying it wrong. It uses the wiring from Comcast TV service that we already have going to each room. Little adapter box converts to ethernet and it works great. 

I haven't compared the sound quality. Wifi seems fine but you can't listen when it pauses to buffer. So getting a good hard wiring setup seems like a good idea whether it is ethernet or powerline or mocha.