compare new McIntosh universal player with DV-50

Is there anyone out there who has heard both the Esoteric DV-50, and the new McIntosh universal player? What are your opinions?

The reason I'm so curious about the Mac universal is that it is reported to incorporate a number of proprietary circuits that will overcome the compromises that cause most universal players to sound less good on certain formats, like SACD, for instance. Perhaps this is the player that will fulfill Shane Buettner's desire for a universal player that will be "reference quality" on all formats.
Irishdog, I thought you were awaiting an 861? My local dealer that carries MAC does not expect to get one in any time soon. DOes anyone own one of these yet?
I listened to the 861 for about an hour Sunday at Audio Encounters (Dublin OH) - had the 851 in my system to demo and liked it best of the five serious contenders since Oct. 04. But it was a lame duck so I wanted to wait and hear the 861 - on redbook the two were definitely of the same voice even right out of the box - there is something about the sound that really appeals to me - liquid is the best way I can describe it. Didn't have time to listen to the SACD or DVDA but I would mainly use it for redbook in the near future - I only have vinyl in my system now - the transport mechanics on 861 is vastly improved (smoother, quieter), the readout is nicer and dimmable, dics load faster, it is a heavier machine, has a nifty front panel switch to toggle the CD/SACD layer on hybrid discs - the remote is much nicer with a soft finish, rounded feel, and nicer buttons- still has balanced outputs - all told, acts more like a $4K player than the 851 imho - my top contender right now. Versus the DV-50 - which is built like a tank - it is less $ and,in my system, sounded nicer.