Compare BAT VK-3000SE to Coda CSib

Considering either of these for Ohm 5000s, disregarding the cost difference. Which should I choose and why?
VK-300SE was my main Ax for 10+ years. Magnificent piece assuming your speakers agree. Victor K. Is a brilliant designer. Moved up to VK-255Se partnered with VK-33SE. Just makes beautiful music and has a top notch user interface to boot. A VK integrated should be every audiophiles entry point. Hard to find better if your interest is music. The fact that they are not respected in the used market truly baffles me.
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I have a BAT VK-3000SE here in Southern CA, should someone want to hear one. I’d like to listen to a CODA integrated amp to compare, but never inquired where I can demo one.