company purchased--founder-designer leaves--establishes new smaller company

This progression of events seems to be pretty common in the hifi industry.

Mark Levinson would be the paradigmatic example.

Then there's...

Cary--Dennis Had

Krell--Dan D'Agostino

Audio Physic--Joachim Gerhard

Sonus Faber--Franco Serblin

Other examples?

And what were the final results?  Were the original companies diminished by the departure of the original owner/founder/lead designer, or did they go on to greater glories?  Did the new, upstart company outdo the original?


Showing 1 response by tonykay

Bruce Moore, Scott Frankland. MFA (Moore, Frankland Associates) is long gone. Bruce Moore started Bruce Moore Audio. Scott Frankland is now with Frankland Associates. I still have an MFA preamp, works perfectly.

I believe Franco Serblin passed away a few years ago. I still have my Sonus Faber Electa Amators that I bought new in the early 90’s. Thanks, Franco!