Comments/opinions on Monitor Audio PL200's

Has anyone heard Monitor Audio’s Platinum PL200 speakers and if so, any comments/opinions on them would be greatly appreciated. The speakers got a good review in the April 2010 issue of Stereophile. They’re not cheap at $8000 a pair. How might they compare with the new Nautilus 803 Diamonds which are 10,000 a pair?

Showing 4 responses by hobbyist_and_reader

I certainly appreciate the input and opinons that I have received.

My concern with regard to the PL300 versus the PL200 is that the PL300 may well be too big for my room which measures approximately 17 X 16 upon re-measuring it. The room is actually the master bedroom which also serves as a listening room. I am going to locate a dealer this coming week so I can listen to the speakers.
Thanks for your input. I have Bryston equipment: 4B SST amp (300 watts per channel)& BP26 pre-amp. My room is 17x14 feet. I do not play music very loud. I was afraid the PL300 would be too big for my room. I have never heard a pair of Monitor Audio speakers. When you say they will totally adapt to electronics, acoustics, and placement, does that mean they are not finicky in those regards.
Thanks for your response. I currently have a pair of B&W Nautilus 804's and was thinking of upgrading my speakers.