Hi Charles,
Yes I definitely agree that we all listen to music in our own ways. Probable reasons I have the discrepant opinion on the EML were I) mine is EML 300BM (mesh), not XLS (I am not sure how they are different though), and ii) my ears are somewhat familiar with fast SS amps such as Soulution and Dartzeel. My current system is really simple. The Frankensteins are fed by DCS Vivaldi DAC and they drive Voxativ Amppeggio Signature. These are not most popular ones, but I am extremely fascinated by this 101dB, 11 ohm, single driver speakers. In my system, the 16 ohm tap is much better than the 8 ohm just like you said. While comparing those two taps, I felt the similar thing I noticed when I exchanged Tung-Sol rectifier to EML 5u4g. (if you are still tempted by the EML, you already know who is going to sell them to you Haha!) Thanks for the stock specification of the fuse.
@Isochronism Hahaha
Hi Joe,
Yes I bought the pair directly from Japan where one of my friends lives. I cannot say anything exactly because it seems the -XLS could be quite different than the -M, but the Takasuki is at least worthwhile to try in my opinion. Yes they are expensive...but we may have to spend much more money to achieve the same amount of improvements one can expect from the Takasuki-Just my thought.
My experience about the input tubes are very limited. Just tried GE NOS and Sylvania NOS, but didn't hear the difference.
Happy listening!