Coda vs Parasound

 Anyone possibly have experience with the Coda #8 vs the Parasound JC5 ? Any thoughts appreciated. Possibly considering one of these 2 to replace my current amp which is fine but growing old,....


Finally, even though both the Parasound Halo JC 5 and Bryston 3B have higher wattage ratings than the No. 8 amplifier at 4 ohms, neither have the iron-fist control of the bottom end frequencies or the explosive macro-dynamics of the Coda Continuum No. 8.

That’s a weird assertion because in a back-to-back A/B, even my lowly OG A21 had much better grip and bass extension than the No.8 in my system. Dynamic contrasts of the two were very close but the A21 took the lead there too. I did enjoy the No.8 for its refinement but even my Yamaha integrated at 100 WPC has better control over the bass. It was the same issue I encountered with the Ayre V-5XE. That isn’t to say the No.8 is bass-light per se, but it certainly isn’t what I expected from an amp that claims such an outlandish current capability. Certainly the Codas have better build quality, which I imagine might cause expectation bias in some listeners. 


I think most comparisons will reveal the preferred match for a given set of speakers and speaker cables.

I know. I have a amazing grasp of the obvious. 🙂

I got to compare the A21, Coda # 8 and Krell 300xd in my system. I landed on the Krell, to me it was the best of Pass and the best of Coda rolled together. All Class A, Krell kept its legendary ability to drive almost any speaker with grip, control alive with the XD gear along with a silky, grainless, smooth presentation. There is also a touch of warmth, tube magic to the Krell XD gear. Prior to the comparison I owned the A21 and Coda at the same time, had lots of time I compare the 2. I preferred the Coda but was based on my taste, the A21 for around half the price of the Coda was really hard to beat form a dollars / performance ratio.

I like you loved the KRELL Duo 175XD that I sold to buy the CODA #16. I have had the following amps in the house with essentially the same system

  • Parasound A21+
  • CODA #8
  • CODA #16
  • KRELL Duo 175XD
  • Schitt Wotan ($2k)
  • Benchmark AHB2

My favorite is the CODA #16 because it is almost the best on top (AHB2), it is the most powerful and overall has the best sound. The next 2 would be the KRELL Duo 175XD and the Schitt Wotan. I am not sure which I like better so call it a tie.

I've went from the JC5 to #16. Long story short, everything is improved and it's things you don't notice until you do. All frequencies have more extension, sound stage is wide, bass is more pronounced and tighter, less grain, highs and mids more pure and defined.


Parasound makes great stuff but the Coda is what I prefer. It's also much more expensive so I'm glad it's preferred to me. 

 Appreciate all you folks that have taken the time to respond. Keep em coming !