CODA amp No.8, Bryston 4B3, or Ayre VX-5 Twenty

- CODA amp No.8 (version 2, 250W@8ohm)

- Bryston 4B3 (300W@8ohm)

- Ayre VX-5 Twenty (175W@8ohm)

Have you had experience with either of these amp? Can you please share your thoughts and recommendations. I’m going to buy one of them for my system:

- room: 26’ L x 18’ W x 9’ H (living room with open breakfast area)

- speakers: 2-way Human 81 DK (8ohm, 89dB, 8" woofer, 1" tweeter)

- preamp: Wyred4Sound STP-SE Stage 2 upgrades

Thanks very much!



Showing 3 responses by yyzsantabarbara

If you want to hear something different, you should try out the Benchmark AHB2 amp over the CODA. #8 and the 4B3. I do not remember how the Ayre sounded. 

I am someone who owned the #8 (a very good amp) and now own the CODA #16 (love it). I have tried a lot of amps in the past 5 years and the amp that differs in the sound the most is the AHB2, especially with their preamp.

I bought and sold the AHB2 a few times. Now after not having it for almost a year, I do miss the change in pace that the AHB2 represents in my system. My new speakers would work well with the AHB2.


@henrynguyentx NO.

Getting 2 AHB2 would solve that. The AHB2 is not as bad as most amps when the stereo amp is flipped to mono. The mono is not as good at 2-Ohm (a single AHB2 is better there) but if your speakers do not go there then you are fine.

If you email Rory Rail at Benchmark and discuss with him he can give you some advice.

I have a Yamaha NS5000 and it is not that difficult to drive (not easy either). The CODA #16 is amazing on it, and I have a feeling the AHB2 mono would also be great with it but not as strong on the bass; You do not get the AHB2 to be a bass monster. If you have subs then this is not an issue if you need huge bass.

My NS5000 has a 12-inch woofer so I do not think the AHB2 would be as great down low as many other options (I do not use subs with the NS5000), but the top end of the AHB2 is just amazing. That is why I want to get the AHB2 as a second set of amps as a change of pace.

I recently looked at my sales history on USAM and I see that I have owned the AHB2 5x in the past 5 years. I also made a few hundred dollars on it, so I do not feel too bad about that.



@henrynguyentx I had the CODA #8 v1 with the hard to drive Thiel CS3.7 speakers and the V1 was more than up to the task. It also has more Class A vs V2 and V3.

If you want the CODA #8 V2 or V3 you can may also want to consider the Sanders Magtech which I believe CODA builds for them. They sound similar though I sold the #8 and have no plans of selling the Magtech. I love the Magtech

I have seen the CODA #16 up for sale for around $9k I also own this amp. If you can wait and swing for the slightly more expensive used #16, then you may never need another amp. The #16 has a ton of that beautiful Class A sound.