Clement Perry's new reference speaker

I just got finished reading on the Stereo Times website a review of the Sunny Cable Magistic reference speaker by Clement Perry who is the publisher/founder of this website.

These speakers retail for $90000.00 a pair, they are a horn based speaker design. Mr Clement's reference was the highly regarded Dali Megaliners, untill he tried these in his home system.

I have never anywere read or talked to anyone who has ever heard Sunny Cables wires and speakers, only on the Stereo Times were they are quite impressed by this line of wires and now this reference speaker.

So, my question to you GON members, have any of you ever listened or auditioned Sunny Cable wires or their line of speakers, if so thanks for sharing
2 friends of mine have heard Clement's system. Both are extremely critical of system, and both liked it. One said it was about the best he had heard.

However Clement is using powerful room correcttion and would not play the system without the correction. I think the cost of his entire system is something like 400K.
The upside of the 'net is that there are lots of reviews to be had for free. The downside is the same thing.
If I had the resources to buy and sell audio when ever the urge hit me, BOY O BOY I WOULD,but, back to reality, I do not buy and sell audio equipment. I always do what research needs done before I buy(my-ears), and then hold on to it, UNTIL I feel my next upgrade is truly worth doing.
I think that as far as the basics are concerned in the audio world, the peaks have been hit,for the most part...
I had the chance to listen to the Sunny Loudspeaker at RMAF 2007
The model I listened to was the H3W12, hooked to his Sunny Supreme Cables, and PC's along with the "Sunny Box". This particular model cost $27000 weighing over 350 each, the speakers are quite large, very nicely built, however they are a 3way configurated speaker. I listened for about an hour, the speaker is very smooth not at all over the top, does just about everything well, I was impressed with the overall presentation I heard on that day. I did not have my own music, so it was difficult to evaluate without knowing what to lisen for, however some of the music played that afternoon sounded extremely good. Very much "live", no grain transients were perfect, 3D soundstage was the best I've heard. All this was done through mediocre componenets.
I would have loved to listen to them in my own home, however theres no way I could afford the speakers and those expensive cables.
$88,000........a pair.
How many owners you think are there......?
I mean , come on.
$30,000 - Component cable........anyone.

But hey, we can talk about it......but what is the point.

I am not doubting that they are really good
but so is Ferrari. Drove one ?....NO, would i like to hell ya ?
However, Ferrari is real - how real is Sunny,
only Clemente Perry knows.
And lets keep it that way.
Guy's, I really did not post this as a critique of Clement Perry's review, I read all the reviewers and take what they all say with the a gaint grain of salt and always use my own ears to decide for myself, but just wanted to know if anybody in our Audiogon crowd had ever heard for themselves these speakers. This was the point of this post, not because I trust Mr. Clements review, but what GON members have to say about Sunny Cable companies wires or speakers.
WHO IS HE ?????????????



" choosing your own path is quait difficult
but it is also the most rewarding "
I agree with some of the above posts. Some brands are shooting stars; they appear out of nowhere, are ll the rage for a while, then disappear. During their moment in the sun, the 'gon is loaded with ads for people selling them, then they seem to disappear from the used market. It seems like one enthusiastic person can create quite a stir. Items like the Audiomecca Mephisto, ReimyoCD player, Stellavox amps. I always wondered what was going on. Do people buy them, find out they weren't worth the hype, and sell, so that the same few units get sold here repeatedly, until the price is low enough that the person at the end of the chain keeps it? Of course, none of the owners is willing to say they were disappointed in the product, lest they then have trouble selling it, or after selling it, offend the person they just sold it to.
Don't know Clement Perry personally but reading a few of his reviews leaves me thinking he's a but odd. I can't figure out what his "game" is.
Let me quote from a recent conversation with the "down to earth,but GREAT Sid Marks"...."If I cannot hear something in my own room,and compared to my current component,then it is meaningless"!!
This should be audiophile lore.
I think most of us can think and purchase for ourselves ... maybe being too literal here but I appreciate the great quality of reviewers and review sites that we have so that if I do some day buy new speakers there is lots of excellent discussion and information to get me pointed in the right direction. I would love to try more gear in my system but have limited financial resources to do this so reading and listening to others is next best for me. $90,000 speaker reviews don't interest me much but have to admit I would love to just hear a pair of magicos based upon what I have read.
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