Clearaudio Satisfy carbon tonearm front to back movement.

I have been using the Clearaudio Performnce table with the Satisfy tonearm for around 10 years. Extremely pleased with the sound with all cartridges over the years. Just tonight i noticed a very slight front to back movement when I was returning the arm to its rest position. I immediately played one of my audiophile records that I am very familiar with and could not detect any degradation to sound. I know that Satisfy tonearm is a lesson in simplicity of design. This very slight movement may have always been there or may have happened because of years of use. So before I drive myself crazy with this I thought I ask here if this is something to be concerned about or is it perfectly normal given that to my ears the sound has not changed at all. Thank you in advance for your comments.

Showing 1 response by cleeds

I’m not familiar with the Clearaudio pickup arm but no conventional pivoted arm should have that much play in the bearings. No good can come from it.

Unipivots are a little different but I admit a prejudice there - they just creep me out - even though I’ve heard some that sound fantastic, such as the VPI at Soundsmith.