Clear Day Cables Surgery Update

Hello all and hoping everyone is doing fine,

This is Paul of Clear Day Cables and it's about 10 weeks since my 9 hour spinal fusion surgery encompassing vertebrae L3-L4 and L4-S1, which now have pins, rods, screws and cages in between the L3 and L4.

The Spinal Stenosis in L3 through S1 has been addressed too and I'm so thankful.

Much of the pain that was plaguing me before surgery is gone and I'm so grateful to my surgical team, the hospital nurses, and all involved as they were absolutely wonderful.

Of course, recovery from this serious surgery will be long and I can have a bad day if I push the rehab activity too much.

On the bright side, I saw my surgeon on 10/23 and things are looking quite well as for the healing of the back.

He even lifted some restrictions, but doesn't want me to do anything too foolish although I'm cleared to ride the stationary bike and stretch more.

I see him again next month and depending on how I'm healing, he may remove more restrictions so by the 1st of the new year, there's a chance I may be able to start making cables again as planned.

Also, please forgive me if I'm not able to get promptly to those that may write me here for it's rather difficult too sit by the computer too long composing messages with my current condition.

As always, thanks to all of you for the support, kindness and love you've shown as it's quite heartfelt and appreciated at this tough time.

I'll update everyone again down the line, God bless and please enjoy life to the fullest for things can spin on a dime as we all learn in time,

Thanks so much Peter and hoping you are well,

    Yes brother, I surely put undue pressure on myself and have throughout my life as that drive to excel in whatever I was doing made me semi-successful.

    Alas, as you know, that pressure/drive/discipline was/is a double edged sword and frankly, constant working out 7 days a week for 45 years without fail surely played a part in my backs deterioration.

    Moreover, although I'm having trouble digesting it, but at 60ish, I may have reached a new chapter in life and need to understand semi-moderation.

     Thereby, please know I'll try to ease up a tad and be sensible for I do not want to go through this type surgery again for although things are moving along with my recovery, it's extremely easy to overdo the rehab work and go backwards as I do it much more than I'd like to admit.

     OK Peter, thanks again, enjoy your life and God bless you brother,




Hope you recover quickley, Paul. Probably too mant years of ' picking things up and putting them down.'  : )
Thank you kindly Giantsalami and I’m giving it my best shot as I so want to be opening Clear Day Cables the 1st of the year.

We shall see though as I did quite a bit of damage to my back and am Ieaving it all in God’s Hands.

Be safe and God bless brother,
