
Responses from vonwaffen

Clear Day Cables Surgery Update
Thank you kindly Giantsalami and I’m giving it my best shot as I so want to be opening Clear Day Cables the 1st of the year.We shall see though as I did quite a bit of damage to my back and am Ieaving it all in God’s Hands.Be safe and God bless br... 
Clear Day Cables Surgery Update
Thanks so much Peter and hoping you are well,    Yes brother, I surely put undue pressure on myself and have throughout my life as that drive to excel in whatever I was doing made me semi-successful.     Alas, as you know, that pressure/drive/disc... 
Clear Day Cables Surgery Update
Thank you brother and God bless you,Paul 
Clear Day Cables Surgery Update
Thanks to Phil, Don and Marq and am so appreciative of everyones heartfelt care and concern for me.Moreover, I'll be working with a PT in a few weeks and see my surgeon next month to see where I'm at with the fusing of L3 through S1.Please know I'... 
Clear Day Cables Surgery Update
Thank again to you all for your kind words, well wishes and real concerns for my recovery as it's quite moving.As mentioned, I'm giving it my best and feeling better, but surely overdoing things as usual.I am finding balance though as I'm sure now... 
Clear Day Cables Surgery Update
Thank you kindly for the nice words Dan and jl35,Moreover, slowly but surely, if I don't push too hard with the rehab, I feel decent.Right now, I'm slowly weening off the back brace while in the house for a few hours per day.All the lower back mus... 
Clear Day Cables Surgery Update
Thanks Milind and hoping you and the family are well,I still have a ways to go and the recovery from this serious surgery in not linear so it gets frustrating at times for it can 1 step forward and 2 back.Be that as it may, I'm thankful to be feel... 
Clear Day Cables Surgery Update
Me too Ghosthouse and thank you kindly,God bless you brother,Paul 
Clear Day Cables Surgery Update
Thanks so much as your kind words are greatly appreciated Nonoise,I'm giving it my best to go slow with my rehab activity, but patience has surely never been my strong point.Moreover, at 60ish, it's so easy to overdo the rehab stuff and it does se... 
Manley Purist Preamp
Hello Marakanetz, Although this may be of a different light, I did have the same experience with my Manley Stingray. Again, like your Manley preamp, the minimalist design of the Stingray seemed to drop off the treble too. In my case, I changed the...