Classe Delta Pre Mk II problems

I have a brand new Delta Pre Mk II.  I have two problems with it that Classe has not been able to resolve.  Has anyone on Audiogon had similar issues and possible solutions?

Problem 1: When I try to stream 192 kHz sampling rate files from my Aurender N20 via the AES/EBU input there is no sound at all.  I can stream 192 kHz files via the coax connection and via Toslink.  (Changing the cable made no difference and the N20 successfully streamed 192 kHz files to a NAD M33 with the same cable.)

Problem 2: Classe advises against installing their HDMI board in the Mk II, saying although a friend who updated his Pre to Mk II spec had no problem with it.

If anyone has experienced similar issues I would appreciate any suggestions.


I'm having the same problem. Did you ever figure out a solution? I am going to try another AES cable, but I'm expecting the same result. The Aurender N20 outputs 192Khz content and plays as if nothing is wrong, but the Classe Delta Pre (I have the MK1) thinks there is no audio single.