Class D with Tyler Acoustics

I have a pair of Ty's D112's coming and am really excited. I am thinking about a new pre/power upgrade as well. Like most, my musical taste is eclectic. My room has been extensively treated. And normally my source will be lossless files through a reference dac.

Class D has been on my radar for a while; i.e., W4S and Bel Canto. (Gear like Rowland and others of that ilk are beyond my budget.) Anyway, I will no doubt do a lot of auditioning, but I would like to begin narrowing down my options. I know a few A A/B's that I intend to hear, but I was wondering if any of you have successfully paired your Tylers with class D? Especially the D110 or MM5?

Thanks for the suggestions,

Showing 1 response by samzx12

Why don't you call Ty and ask if he has used Class D with any of his speakers. I'm pretty darn sure he has used Bel Canto with success.