I found that the #16 needs a DAC or other sources that play nice with Class A. A rolled of DAC is a no go for me with the #16.
@yyzsantabarbara, I just purchased a Coda S5.5 which is 50w Class A and find it so clean and revealing compared to my two previous amps (Pass XA30.8 and AtmaSphere Class D) that my Weiss DAC might not be the greatest fit and a slightly warmer DAC might be better. I actually find the Coda closer to the Benchmark AHB2's presentation in terms of 'hearing into' the recording, but does keep some of the Class A imaging and 3d depth with a little texture that I expected from the Pass Class A sound I'm used to.
As to Eric's point, I don't find the Coda warm either, at least when compared to the Pass and Class D AtmaSphere. I also owned a PS Audio amp based on ICEpower back many years ago and that sound did make me think of my PrimaLuna integrated, warm and cozy sounding, but with lots of dynamic slam.