Class D for a Tube Lover

First, I'm sure this has been asked many times but searching the subject wasn't too helpful to me.

So apologies in advance.

I enjoy tubed electronics and class A amps, which tend to be a bit warm.  My current Cary 805s warm my small (12x16) music room even in the cool/cold of winter.  I've got other amps that don't produce much heat, but am looking for something that produces no heat.  Living in a home with no central AC the room gets uncomfortably hot during the summer months.

So...I'd like to try some Class D amps.  Stereo or mono is just fine.  And my speakers aren't difficult to drive so I don't need a thousand watts.  But if that thousand watt amp sounds great, I'm not adverse to that, either.

I'd like to keep the price under 2k used.  

Please help.



Showing 2 responses by snapsc

Don't ignore all recommendations....BUT realize that we all have our own sense of what sounds "right".  Instead, recognize that everything that has been listed above has a fan and therefore MIGHT meet your needs...but as you know and has been said, the only way to know is to try.  And the good thing is that most of these companies have either trial periods, demo models or both.
I'd like to suggest you give one of the Digital Amplifier Company Cherry Amps a try.  They don't use a class d module purchased from a 3rd party, instead they have their own class d circuitry.  There are several versions, all with similar voicing and a few that are near or under the $2k mark...and the company often has specials.

I own the 2Cherry and would characterize it as having some of the better characteristics of tube+solid state.  There are a number of professional reviews...but maybe what the actual owner say might mean more.  Here are a couple of links that might be helpful.

UPDATED: 🍒 Maraschino, x-CHerry, and MEGAschino REVIEWS (

Digital Amplifier Company 2-CHerry Power Amplifier The light amp that packs a heavy punch! Review By Frank Garofalo (

Cherry Amp HOME PAGE | cherryamp

Tommy O’Brien Digital Amplifier Company (