Class D for a Tube Lover

First, I'm sure this has been asked many times but searching the subject wasn't too helpful to me.

So apologies in advance.

I enjoy tubed electronics and class A amps, which tend to be a bit warm.  My current Cary 805s warm my small (12x16) music room even in the cool/cold of winter.  I've got other amps that don't produce much heat, but am looking for something that produces no heat.  Living in a home with no central AC the room gets uncomfortably hot during the summer months.

So...I'd like to try some Class D amps.  Stereo or mono is just fine.  And my speakers aren't difficult to drive so I don't need a thousand watts.  But if that thousand watt amp sounds great, I'm not adverse to that, either.

I'd like to keep the price under 2k used.  

Please help.



Showing 3 responses by ieales

Ignore ALL recommendations. The only way to tell is in your system in your room with your music.

There are far too many technical issues to list, but anyone who claims Class D can sound like tubes does not have a very revealing system.

I have Class D & tubes.
I have 20 pairs.
Do you listen to music or just hardware?

So an amp that’s able to drive a good variety of speakers is a must.
As with tube amps, the loudspeaker completes the drive circuit in Class D albeit with different characteristics and by different electrical properties.

Hence one loudspeaker may be chalk while another equally fine product may be cheese with the same amplifier. The exact opposite condition can arise with a different amplifier and the same loudspeakers.
Class D sonics depend on the load!

At least look at the first graph for the 6 Class D amplifiers below to see how much variation there is into benign standard loads. FAR MORE than the ’NIGHT & DAY’ differences cables make. Real world loudspeakers are MUCH MORE VARIABLE!

PS Audio Stellar M1200 monoblock power amplifier Measurements |
Schiit Audio Aegir power amplifier Measurements |
Marantz Model 30 integrated amplifier Measurements |
Mytek Brooklyn Amp power amplifier Measurements |
Bel Canto e1X power amplifier Measurements |
Audio Alchemy DPA-1M monoblock power amplifier Measurements |

Fanboy recommendations are worthless & DOUBLY SO for Class D!!!!