Class D

Been thinking of trying a D amp to reduce clutter. Most that I see are not rated at 2 ohms.  My PSB Stratus gold's will drop to 3 ohms or lower at some frequencies. So my question is will these types of amps handle this impedance ?
Thanks in advance. Chris
Because the filter is set at 50K does not mean it does not effect the sound.  It's intrinsic sound is still there.  No free lunch.  Everything makes a difference.  But you have to listen to know.  Years ago I worked for an audiophile company that made tube stuff.  They had a zobel network on the output of one of their amps that had a .1 microfarad cap. .  I told them to change their junk mylar cap to a polystyrene but the owner said it was operating at high frequencies out of the audio band so it should not matter.  He humored me and tried it.  Of course, it sounded much better.  There are people that sell external zobel networks and the best sounding ones use the most expensive parts.  Again, no free lunch.....everything makes a difference.
Trouble is the Levinson sounded like crap.  Everything makes a difference....again....the truth is in the listening.  It does not matter that Levinson used a bunch of air core coils (one thing does not make a whole).......what matters is the sound.  They did not get it right. My modded Purifi uses ONE super sounding air core coil.  
Class D is just a cheap form of amplification. Another way to cut cost and corners. I read more than a few interviews from the high-end companies,and they all say "Stay away. The technology is not proven."
Especially when the products are from companies who’ve been around for 3 years,or that I’ve never heard in the first place.
Class A & Class A/B have been around forever with good reason.
How many of those companies make Class D amps.

I guess Tesla makes awful cars. They have only been around a few years
@zappas -- I’m not sure if you’re still reading this, or if this point has been covered somewhere among the back and forth.

The PuriFi modules put out almost 500 watts into 2 ohms. It's easy to find the spec sheet online.

I have a pair of Apollon amps made with them, and they drive my Janszen electrostatics better than my more expensive class AB amp did. I am pretty confident they would drive your speakers fine. I don’t know anything about the PS Audio ones.