CJ Iron Vintage question

I have lately been smitten with Vintage tube amps like Eicos and H.H Scotts of the 50's and 60's.

I am wondering if anyone can tell me if the iron in older CJ gear is as good as these vintage treasures? CJ MV-? (el34 based amps)


Showing 1 response by mcgarick

Thanks, I have a pair of Eico hf-22 monoblock amps that are stock, and I can tell you they blow away every other amp I have owned in terms of dynamics and musicality. I have since then been curios about vintage and bought a recapped H.H Scott 222D integrated.....again this amp blows everything else I've had away, they say it is mainly due to the vintage iron. I would never had guessed I would be running amps older than me(now 45) because newer tech is better right?

Well that's a joke...

I'm glad you like your franken Eico, sounds like your man knows what he's doing,and you know what I'm talking about.