Chord Dave Dbnc connect issue

Connecting M Scaler to Dave and get this flickering between 

Dbnc 1 and Bnc 1 , weird. Have rebooted but no change.

made sure 1/1 2/2 proper connects. Anyone else seen this?


You did, couldn’t believe it. Nordost valhalla BNC’s

swapped out for Chord’s cables that came with the

unit just to rule out and bang. The original issue did 

resolve with reprogramming the router. So, again… 

thanks for your help.

Nice.  I was about to say that I've never seen it, check your bnc cables.  I made a lot of BNC cables when I was a technician at Fermilab (1970s) and I know they can be fragile.


I had a related flickering with my TT2 and M-scaler. Realized it was a faulty BNC cable (would occur when I touched it) and replaced it. Problem solved.