Choosing new cables

I am looking to upgrade my current cables.  This should be my last system as I retired a few years ago and most of my components have been seriously updated in the last couple of years.  I have been in this audio hobby for about 50 years and have always have great sounding musical systems.

My current cables all work and sound great but are 15 - 20 years old.  So updating is what I need.  I am budgeting around $10k - $15k for all new cables.

I have always felt the i/c's were the most important cable followed by the speaker cables and the power cords.  However I am now leaning towards spending more on the power cords followed by the speaker cables and last the i/c.

  I know all cables are very important but how would you prioritize the cables?  Any suggestions on any brands would also be appreciated!



Showing 2 responses by wolf_garcia

Clearthinker...not clear enough for irony or satire? Don't chew the fun outta my gum.

I think the obvious thing to do is spend the entire 15 grand on one cable (pair, unless it's a 15K USB or something), as it would sound SO good as it would lift all the more pedestrian cables up.