Choosing between 2 preamps


I have narrowed down my search to 2 preamps that comes in my budget.

BAT VK-31se

Atma Sphere MP 3 with phono stage(not sure which mk i sent a mail to Ralph)

Both around 2200-2300 dollars.

The BAT Capacitors have been changed to Audience Auricap, instead of 6 each side there are 2 of 10.0mfd 400vdc.

both sounds good, I heard the Atmasphere with my power and B&W 802 diamond, sound was pretty anemic , but i think my power couldn’t drive the speaker properly (AUDIO RESEARCH REF75se)


between both of them because I didnt listen side by side I cant really tell, also difference in all other gear except my Power amp.


I would be happy to get suggestions regarding it. Thank you


I have the BAT VK-80 and I can assure you the 6H30 tubes are very good. Even much of the Audio Reasearch gear has used them!

I would work on speaker positioning. Your Audio Research Ref 75 has plenty of power for your speakers. Tube amps like this are very powerful. They have deep and nuanced low end. 

@ghdprentice those were not my speakers.

my speakers Sonus Faber Electa Amator 1.

but I am right now looking for a preamplifier (i dont have)

and I can’t audition these two at home…

can you share with me your idea between BAT and Atma Sphere

I saw this right after I joined the forum

Ralph has replied in generous detail in many discussions I read, including to me when asking for advice here.

I’ve heard the Atma-Sphere (but not the BAT.) and it’s darn good. @atmasphere service is second to none so you’re safe for service and upgrades. Going from 3.2 to 3.3 + VCap is a worthy upgrade.
Maybe you should look at locally made preamps?

I don’t live in the US and all US gear is pretty pricey here.