Choose between Linn aktiv LK 140 and single Klout

I have linn Ninka speakers currently with LK100 bi-wire. YBA Integre CD. How is it different between going aktiv with 3 LK140 and single Klout? My collection consist 95% classical. Natural sound, stage, depth are what I am looking for.

Tough question. Going active is a huge improvement. A single amp would have to be exceptional relative to the other amp in order to even be in the same ball park as an active set up. However, the Klout was a very good amp relative to the LK 140. If I had to make a call, I think I would go with the active set up. What tilts my judgement is the statement that you listen to all lot of classical music. Classical is very dynamic music and, in complex orchestral passages, would demand a system that is capable of resolving the different instruments playing contemporaneously. These are exactly the characteristics that an active system would most likely produce. Your apparent amplifier power will increase by about ten fold which would improve dynamics. And the decrease in intermodulation distortion and precise separation of the frequencies from the active crossover should result in better detail and resolution of the multiple instruments playing together.

However, I have to admit that these are theoretical speculations on my part. I use an active Linn set up too, but I haven't heard the exact comparison you want to make.

I shall read any other comments from other posters with interest, being a Linn junkie myself.
Khsu9547, if you don't get many replies here, you might want to post this question on the pinkfishmedia forum. There is more experience there with U.K. gear like Linn.
I have not heard the difference myself, but from conversations with people I trust I would say the passive Klout. I can tell you that a passive Linn 2250, and especially a passive Chakra 2200, will sound much better than active LK 140's, and incidentally will be cheaper (especially once you add the cost of the active cards).

As someone familiar with making Linn speakers active (I have owned active Espeks with a Chakra 6100) I can say that they sound great. But once you get into active, it is hard to upgrade without a sizable expenditure. Also, the degree of improvement gained with going active depends on the complexity of the crossover networks involved, i.e., the improvement tends to be much greater as you go up the line in Linn speakers (eg, to a 242).