Choice of tube amp?

I`ve auditioned some tube poweramps lately, the Rogue Zeus and the VTL S-400. This has left me contemplating a change from SS to tube power amplification.
My system consists of: APL Hifi NWO-2 cd/tube preamp, Pass Labs X350.5 and Martin Logan Summit. The APL and Summits are here to stay :) The Pass is up for discussion :) The Pass, in my setup, is a little dry sounding and doesn`t involve me as much as I know the APL and Summits are capable of. I`ve researched a little more than Rogue and VTL. I`ve been talking to VAC, Audio Valve, Wolcott, CJ and Cary. Any suggestions? And how they will compare to the Pass in my setup? If you feel my question is dumb or that you need more information, just tell me :)
I got the Wolcott and I`m now in the tube rolling stage. One of the 6922 input tubes from Electro Harmonic started making noise after 30 hours. I replaced them with Mullard (Made in Holland)E188CC SQ from the early 60s, huge improvment. Now I`m trying out Tungsram (Made in Hungary) ECL86 from the early 60s for the drivers, great sound but one of them haf a weakness where the pins penetrate the glass and had to be taken out. And left I have 8x SED "Winged C" EL 34s to be tested later :)
Viking ck out Jadis and be done with it. Have a Jadis Orch Refer 4 yrs, NO REPAIRS!!! The Jadis has the least repairs of any tube amp in the world. Let me see another tube amp top that record.
Now I`ve ordered 4x Telefunken Diamondbase ECL86 which are suppose to be better than Tungsram. So time will show.
Bartokfan: Whatever you write on the Jadis wont make my impressions go away ;)
Strongly agree on the Jadis "sound". Slow, sluggish, with a rolled off top end. These characteristics are particularly noticeable in the Orchestra Reference integrated amp, perhaps Jadis' worst effort.
Audiofeil, Thats why they have tone controls - so you can turn them up to max and get a normal top end. :-)